Coucou mes chers! :)
One month off, but now my blog is going to be updated.
I'm having a great time in Clermont-Ferrand, better than expected (for those who do not know it yet: I tried to change my study course and applied for Politics in Fribourg).

University started on the 14th of september and although we have a lot of work to do, there is some time for other activities as you will see. :)
But first of all some information about university life in Clermont-Ferrand: We've almost the same number of lessons every week as in Regensburg, but a lot more stuff to do at home. So my main job consists of going to university, reworking the lecture notes, sleeping ;) and passing most of the evenings in a "quiet" way.
Most of our courses have an economical subject, but there are also other topics like for example: English Labo, Translation Courses German-French, Spanish, American Civilization, Law (quite superficial), German Civilization and so on.
In general I enjoy those lectures, except for some profs who are not capable of working on a script by themselves and just copy the articles from wikipedia. ;)
Moreover the first holidays start in two weeks from now, so we'll get the time to revise and first of all relax a little bit. I'll pass one week with my parents in Germany, so I'll get the energy to continue afterwards. I hope. :)
Besides university, there were some parties of course and most important:
We went to Toulon two weeks ago to pass the weekend at a french friend's house. You'll find some photos below.
This was a quite spontaneous mission. Actually we all just wanted to go to a small party to have a drink and then enjoy the weekend with university activities. But then two of the Master students decided to pass a weekend at the Côte d'Azur. And half an hour later, we were on the way down south. :) The next morning at around half past seven we arrived at the seaside after 6 hours of journey and enjoyed a really magnificent, impressive sunrise, the feet in the sand. :) The weather was really great the whole weekend and we enjoyed the sun all day long at the beach.
And so that you can also enjoy it (without your feet in the sand... hehe):
Okay folks, hope to hear from you soon! Take care!
Hey Anna!
AntwortenLöschenIt´s me Kathi! Nice to hear that you´re well in Clermont Ferrand!
Wish you a nice time there! Enjoy it und we will see each other in Regensburg - hopefully soon!
PS: I want to be at the Côte d´azur, too!!! :-(
Hey Anna,
AntwortenLöschenich kenn mich zwar nicht sooo gut aus, aber ich hoff jetzt mal, dass du den Kommentar liest:) Find das gut mit dem Blog, ich werd sicher ab und an mal reinschauen :)
Ich hoffe du hast es gut in Frankreich :)